New RAND Study of the Chiropractic Health Encounter Seeking Participants in Oregon

April 2, 2015   |   Evidence in Integrative Healthcare

A new study of the chiropractic health encounter is being conducted in Oregon by the RAND Corporation and funded by the NCCIH. This study is attempting to find elements of the health encounter that are specific to chiropractic health.

If you are a chiropractor practicing in the state of Oregon and are interested in participating in the study, please use the contact information below to contact the research chair or review this document about the study.

Ian D. Coulter, Ph. D.
RAND/Samueli Chair for Integrative Medicine
Senior Health Policy Researcher
RAND Corporation
1776 Main St
PO Box 2138
Santa Monica CA 90407-2138
Tel 310-393-0411 x745
Fax 310-260-8161

The CHP Group is not affiliated with the RAND Corporation and has no financial interest in this study. This information is provided as a public service.