According to a recent Gallup-Palmer College poll, patients with neck and back pain in the US who saw healthcare professionals in the last 12 months were most likely to seek care from a medical doctor or a chiropractor. Approximately one-third saw a massage therapist or physical therapist. Acupuncturists were also on this list of top choices for spine care.
Did you see any of the following healthcare professionals for your neck or back pain in the last 12 months? (asked of those who saw a healthcare professional for neck or back pain in the past 12 months)
Provider Type | Yes |
Medical Doctor | 62% |
Chiropractor | 53% |
Massage Therapist | 34% |
Physical Therapist | 34% |
Physician’s Assistant | 26% |
Nurse Practitioner | 22% |
Surgeon who can operate on spine | 22% |
Doctor of osteopathic medicine | 15% |
Acupuncturist | 9% |
Sample sizes: 988-1,157 |
Gallup-Palmer College, March 12-April 10, 2018 |
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