In a July 2017 Medscape article, coffee intake has been tied to lower mortality rates in two large studies of European subjects. There is mounting evidence that three or more cups of coffee per day may reduce risk of death from circulatory/vascular and digestive cancers. The European Prospective Investigation (EPIC) into Cancer, Lyon France completed a study of 451,743 subjects from 10 European countries. Results suggest that higher levels of coffee drinking are associated with lower risk of death from both circulatory and digestive diseases. Men appeared to have a 59% lower mortality risk, while women were 40% lower than those who did not drink coffee at all. The risk was the same whether the coffee was caffeinated or decaffeinated!
In another multi-ethnic (MEC) study with 185,855 African Americans, native Hawaiians, Japanese Americans, Latinos and Whites, the University of Hawaii investigated coffee associations to mortality and found the same to be true – higher coffee consumption, whether decaf of caffeinated, was associated with lower risk for death for heart disease, cancer, respiratory disease stroke, diabetes and kidney disease at one cup per day.
Coffee in the waiting room? You decide.